Take a Peek Through Worldwide CCTV Using Cam-Hackers Cause I’m Bored

wanodya e
InfoSec Write-ups
Published in
5 min readAug 15, 2022


The All-Seeing Eye was derived from Egyptian scriptures. It is commonly referred to as the Eye Of Horus.

You’ve probably seen The All-Seeing Eye, The Eye of Providence, or The Eye of Horus. For those who are into conspiracy theories or freemasonry kind of topics, you’ve probably known this better than anyone. We all see it, in dollars, tattoos, art, on top of the Pyramid, and even in The Valley of The King where all of the famous Ancient Egypt Pharaohs were buried there. The All-Seeing Eye symbolizes health and protection, also it’s a reminder that one’s thoughts and actions are being observed at all times by force greater than us.

Modern society might manifest this ‘The All-Seeing Eye’ into something more appealing, more beyond the sculpture on the wall, or a logo, or the new currency. This modern All-Seeing Eye comes into the form of thing we are known as CCTC, Camera Security, or whatever is it you named it. Somebody committed a crime, people do charity, or you simply doing silly things, all recorded well in the camera, you’ve been watched, all the time.

Today, we’re going to see everything through the eyes of The All-Seeing Eye. We’re not going to hack, sabotage, or intercept, we’ll simply take a peek and observe, leave it as it is. Disclaimer, this is for educational purposes only, any further harm because of this definitely not my responsibility.


In today’s tutorial, we’ll try to run a tool called cam hackers. Cam-Hackers is a python open-source tool, it’s available on GitHub and made by AngelSecurityTeam. First thing first, get in here https://github.com/AngelSecurityTeam/Cam-Hackers.git and look how cool the project is.

Now please copy the link and also download the ZIP file provided. Also, if you want to run this well, make sure you have an updated repository. After you well prepared, it’s time to install python3. Hit the command bellow.

Don’t missed this one too, install the git with the command provided.

Remember the first time I ask you to copy the link? Now time to paste it. Type the command git clone followed with the link I’ve mentioned before.

The tools wouldn’t run if you haven’t fulfilled the requirements needed. Since it is placed inside the ZIP file, first you need to change the directory in Cam-Hackers. Then install it, the requirements, the highlighted in yellow one.

This is my favorite part, time to beast. You can run the tool by typing the bellow command. The system will prompt you list of 145 countries accros the globe. I really love philosopy, so I’m going to type number 44 for Greek. Time to meet Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates’s squad.

There you go, the system gave me 22 HTTPS addresses complete with the port that is open. I randomly choose one of them. Okay, fasten your seatbelt, Greek here we come.

I paste the address into my web browser, and this is what I got. The scene is so typical, It was a view from West Attica via Kypseli. At some moment when I randomly choose a different address, the system prompted me kind of credential approval to access their camera. If you are lucky enough, you’ll see the camera displayed without needing any further permission.

Now how do you sure enough that was actually a real camera, displaying the same exact place? If it’s for me, sometimes I compared the time. If it’s 07.15 AM in Greek, then what time now in my country? If the time difference matches, nothing to worry about. For more exploring, I’ll try to go to Japan.

The system displayed me a monitoring screen into some kind of harbor. There was a ship, the name is Kume Line. I’m not sure at first that it was actually taking place in Japan. So I try to do little OSINTs thing, I’ve searched it via Google.

Hai, that was from Japan-desu. Actually, I got a lot of footage from Japan, the view is good, but the country is so deserted. Maybe next time I’ll try to visit China or India, to see the more populated place around.


No system is safe, but you can’t have that All-Seeing Eye if everyone can take a peek at it too. Sometimes if you see through these Cam Hackers, not always a good view, or public place that is shown up. One time I try to seek for address and a private place showed up, like a camera house, CCTV nearby, etc. This could be dangerous if some people do stalk you and have bad intentions for you. So please take care of your privacy, always remember, what people don’t know, people can’t ruin. Till next time mate, cheerio 🤙


[1] What Is The All Seeing Eye Meaning In Freemasonry? — MasonicFind. Retrieved August 4, 2022, from https://masonicfind.com/what-is-the-all-seeing-eye-meaning-in-freemasonr
[2] AngelSecurityTeam/Cam-Hackers: Hack Cameras CCTV . — GitHub. Retrieved August 4, 2022, from https://github.com/AngelSecurityTeam/Cam-Hackers



Internet nerd, cybersec enthusiast, life-long learner, dreamer & storyteller.